I have new bookmarks for Firefighter Daddy and I absolutely love them! I’ll be picking them up from the printer this afternoon and then I’ll scan one and post it here on the blog.

December is usually a non-writing month for me because I devote a huge amount of time to Christmas preparations, but this year is different. I spend at least a half hour or so every day working on the second book in my San Francisco series, and I’m really loving these two characters. I say that about every book, but this time their conflicts seem completely natural.

Work on my office also continues. This week I gave away two sets of plastic stacking trays and seven more cardboard magazine files. I’m happy to report that the contents of said trays and files are also history. I had a laptop network card—someone gave it to me for my old laptop—but I never used it. A friend posted it on a loop that advertises free stuff and the network card now has a new home.

I hope you’re looking forward to the holidays as much as I am!

Until next time,

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