I’m deep into revisions of The Wedding Bargain (Harlequin American Romance, January 2011) right now, which partly accounts for my having been MIA for a bit. I thought the book was “done” when I submitted it, but my editor has made some wonderful suggestions that will make the story so much better. I’m excited!

Last Saturday’s foray into the farmers’ markets yielded a glorious bunch of fresh leeks that immediately went into a pot of leek and potato soup. Delicious. As the weeks pass, there’ll be a greater variety of fruit and vegetables at the markets. Good things to come!

The official times for the Mother’s Day 10K Walk that my daughter and I participated in were finally posted. I finished in 1:25:47, shaving a little over two minutes off my time in the race I did two weeks earlier. Yay me!

On the home front, I have hired a housekeeper to come in twice a month. She starts next week and I can hardly wait! In addition to cleaning, she’s going to help with some decluttering. You might remember the ambitious office overhaul I embarked on last winter. Well…I did make some progress but then got stalled. Got started again this week and cleared out the storage closet, but there’s still much to do. Having someone to help will keep me motivated. I hope. I’ll keep you posted.

Until next time,

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