A couple of weeks ago on the Rachael Ray Show, she was promoting her new cookbook—Rachael Ray’s Big Orange Book—which she affectionately called BOB.

I thought that was cute, and then I remembered that Bob is the name of the clock I have on my desk. Bob the wobble clock.

Actually, Bob is much more than a clock. He’s also a timer, an alarm, a thermometer and a calendar. Five in one. My Bob is blue, but he’s also available in a bunch of other colors.

Being reminded about Bob the clock by BOB the cookbook got me wondering. How many other things are called Bob? Google revealed lots of interesting stuff. Lots.

For example, there’s a big orange bridge in Nelson, British Columbia, Canada. You guessed it. The people who live in Nelson call the bridge BOB.

The BOB (Big Old Building) in Grand Rapids, Michigan houses an eclectic-sounding collection of bars and restaurants.

There’s a baby stroller called B.O.B, which stands for Baby on Board.

BOB is the airport code for Bora Bora.

BOB also stands for big orange ball—in other words, The Sun.

If you click on this link, you’ll find an extensive list of BOB acronyms.

And don’t even get me started on bobsleds, bobby socks and plumb bobs!

If your name is Bob, and maybe even if it isn’t, you’ll want check The Bob Club, a fun website about Bobs of all kinds.

Do you have any interesting Bobs in your life? I’d love to hear about them!

Until next time,

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